1BR – 2019

Movie reviews for the masses

Netflix again – will this be another bust or will I get lucky this time?

Right off the bat, it took me a few minutes to figure out what the title meant. This does not bode well, my friends! So who was in this? Basically unkowns – Nicole Bloom starred as Sarah, the young woman who decided to move to LA and start a new career. Giles Matthey played Brian, Sarah’s strange new neighbor. Taylor Nichols played Jerry, the apartment complex’s manager. Alan Blumenfeld played Sarah’s father, whom Sarah resented for cheating on her dying mother. Susan Davis played Miss Stanhope, the oldest person in the community. Albeit with garish joker makeup, she looked like the only familiar actor in this movie, but she wasn’t (via Google!).

Sarah moved into the apartment, started to settle in and met a few neighbors. But the new digs glow did not last long. Uh oh, someone doesn’t like cats. Who doesn’t like cats? Now dogs I can see, especially in an apartment. Let’s face it, dogs are smelly, hairy dullards. And they shit all over the place. Yuck! Anywho, I knew it was that nosy neighbor Brian!

Well, I could see where this movie was going – don’t ever move to LA – it sucks! So, a quick plot update – Sarah was kidnapped by Brian and Jerry, seemingly because she hid having a cat in an apartment complex where pets were forbidden. The poor cat paid the price for her insolence! And now, they are going to torture her. So here is where it got silly – why would she, or anyone, comply with that ridiculous pain position? And then drink that milkshake? I really hate it when characters behave in movies so completely out of reality.

Ok so how long were they going to drag out this “torture” scene?? Now it’s idiotic, and we learned that, at least according to the schmoes who wrote this schlock, this was all it took to completely break/brainwash someone. Come on, man! Slapping? Jiminy Christmas, who said this was a good horror flick?

Wait what, was that Dennis Rodman? Dang it, no. At least that would have been slightly entertaining.

Well there goes granny – the geezers are usually the first to get deep sixed. So far, the only thing scary about this movie was how this moronic plot was made into a movie.

I was sure they were going to brand Sarah’s ass. They couldn’t even get that right! Ah then the real horror was revealed – Sarah got forced into a relationship with crazy Lester. By the way, Lester looked like a young Christopher Lloyd. 

Finally, Sarah fought back. And even Lester! But the ending blew. So, to answer my very first question – burned again! Don’t bother with this silly nonsense. One barely scary bedroom out of eight.

Let me have it!