Mary Magdalene – 2018

Movie reviews for the masses

Hey, remember that “The rent is too damn high!” guy, Jimmy McMillan, who ran for mayor of New York City and even governor of New York several times? Wasn’t he great? I remember watching some of those debates – he kicked ass! And what was the dealio with those gloves he always wore?? Anywho, picture Jimmy scowling at you, pointing a gloved finger and emoting: “Joaquin Phoenix, that guy is too damn old to play Jesus of Nazareth!” If you can get past that simple truth, the movie is worth watching. I couldn’t. Which was really a shame, because I am a huge fan of Joaquin, he is terrific in every single movie. And the equally consistent Rooney Mara played the lead role.

As Forrest Gump so eloquently said, “That’s all I have to say about that!”

Let me have it!