The Bubble – 2022

Movie reviews for the masses

Hey this looks promising on Netflix – a flick by the very funny Judd Apatow, and it’s a comedy about making a movie during the covid pandemic. Tons of comedy gold to mine here, right? What could possibly go wrong?

Well, sadly, the short answer to the above second question is – everything. At two hours, this movie was at least one hour too long. Was there any editing at all? Could two hours of this tripe possibly be the best of even more initial filming time? The only momentary bright spots were some funny scenes with Keegan-Michael Key as one of the actors in this “mockumentary” and Kate McKinnon as the studio executive who was constantly traveling the world during the pandemic. Pretty much the only chuckles in any otherwise two-hour ordeal of horrible jokes and tedious cliches. All the other characters (sadly, even Fred Armisen’s portrayal of the director) were forgettable and even regrettable. 

Suffice to say, this movie was so wretchedly awful, it gave The Jesus Rolls (0 out of 10 rating) a run for its money as the worst movie I have ever reviewed. Only Michael-Keegan and Kate save this steaming pile of shit from a worse rating: an extremely disappointing 1 flying dinosaur turd out of 20

Let me have it!