Asylum – 2008

Movie reviews for the masses

A movie with nobodies as stars, so right off the bat you suspect this is going to be bad. And Jiminy Christmas, was it ever. In terms of plot, it was the old saw of a school housed in buildings that were once an insane asylum. And inexplicably, half the main building was fully restored into housing for students, the other half (attached by the way) was still in decades old ruins. Seriously? And of course the decrepit half of the building was inhabited by a ghost doctor who can kill living people. Riiiiiight….

 I mentioned the nobody cast – Sarah Roemer as Madison, Carolina Garcia as Maya, Ellen Hollman as Ivy, Randall Sims as Rez, Travis Van Winkle as Tommy, Jake Muxworthy as Holt and Cody Kasch as String. And the antagonist, “the doctor” was played by Mark Rolston. Don’t bother googling any of these actors, they all blew.

By far, Tommy was the biggest dick and most annoying character. Usually, the formula is the dick gets whacked first, but sadly this wasn’t the case. In fact, the most interesting, least dickish and least cartoonish character got it first – String. Like all these movies, the only suspense for the audience was wondering which of these fools will survive and how ludicrously will the villain be dispatched.

The Doctor was so bad he was funny – adorned in awful, cheap Halloween makeup and his hammy acting was even worse. Basically, the buffoons that made this load of crap tried to come up with a Freddy Kruger villain, and failed miserably. 

Oh and could they have possibly come up with a faker sounding university name – the Richard Miller University?? Had to be the name of one of the investors, whom hopefully lost a bundle on this truckload of happy horse shit.

Two Freddy Kruger finger knives out of ten.

Let me have it!